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Social Technology aimed at the integral development of children and 
improving the quality of early childhood education, through pedagogical 
practices focused especially on non-cognitive skills.


Selection and sensitization of municipal schools in Santa Luzia do Itanhy for the beginning of the development of Synapse-EI


Construction of the Synapse EI methodology and pedagogical resources by the project researchers, the pedagogical and psychological support team, in co-participation with the educators and caregivers of daycare centers and preschools in the municipality of Santa Luzia do Itanhy/SE


The first re-applicable version of Synapse EI for early childhood education was generated, consisting of the Reapplication Booklet, the Integrated Planning and Pedagogical Notebook and the MAPEIs


Selection of reapplication teachers and re-application of social technology in more than 03 municipal elementary schools in Santa Luzia do Itanny/SE. First experience of disseminating the methodology to other municipalities in the state of Sergipe: Santa Rosa de Lima, Campo do Brito and São Miguel do Aleixo


Engagement of Teachers and Schools

Involvement of 6 schools and 51 teachers

Integrated Pedagogical Planning Notebook

Integrated Pedagogical Planning Notebook

Photos and videos

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