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Social Technology that seeks to integrate financial education and entrepreneurship.

PILOT CLASS (first quarter 2021)

In the first stage, we formed the pilot group to test the methodology aimed at building the Reference Material (activity guide), which works from discovering the creative, entrepreneurial and transformative potential of the individual to the consolidation of an idea, using testing tools, validation and final pitch.

INITIAL EDUCATION (second quarter 2021)

24 participants completed their participation in the second stage of the project, in which 5 groups were created in online (synchronous and asynchronous) and hybrid (in-person and online) formats. In this phase, 16 business proposals were presented through pitch.


8 business ideas were selected to receive mentoring from experts, in order to support the development and structuring of the proposals presented in the pitch. In addition, 6 participants who stood out throughout the project were invited to build, in a participatory manner, the booklet for the reapplication of the Business Workshop.


24 students completed the full ON training; 5 classes were formed; 16 business proposals were presented through "pich"; 8 business ideas were selected to participate in mentorships.


Reapplication booklet

6 participants were selected to build the ON replication booklet.

The Emotional Intelligence booklet

The Emotional Intelligence booklet is a complementary material to the Business Workshop booklet. The objective is to help reappliers during the training processes.

Interactions with other ST’s


Financial education, entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence actions were developed in challenge formats.


The Oficina de Negócios offers support in entrepreneurial training aimed at tourism, in addition to supporting the creation of specific groups to develop business proposals with the theme.


Creation of a hybrid format, in which project participants have classes in programming and entrepreneurship in a complementary way, enabling participants to learn the technical content and broaden their view in relation to its practical application.

Synapse Educação Infantil

Partnership to offer financial education knowledge to children in kindergarten, through MAPEI (Pedagogical Support Material for Kindergarten).

Photos and videos

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