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IPTI develops social technologies in a systemic and evolutionary way, focusing on Basic Education and Entrepreneurial Education through the union of art, science, and technology, and considering themes in Health that contribute to the improvement of the educational scenario

IPTI develops social technologies in a systemic and evolutionary way, focusing on Basic Education and Entrepreneurial Education through the union of art, science, and technology, and considering themes in Health that contribute to the improvement of the educational scenario

Desenvolvemos soluções inovadoras eficazes, escaláveis e orientadas a negócios, visando assegurar sustentabilidade.

Santa Luzia do Itanhy é a nossa incubadora global de tecnologias sociais

Nosso centro de P&D está instalado numa região de extrema pobreza, fora dos grandes centros urbanos, justamente para podermos desenvolver tecnologias sociais que atendam às demandas da maioria dos municípios brasileiros e também de comunidades de outros países da América Latina e África.

Current scenario (2018) of Santa Luzia do Itanhy
Moradores de Santa Luzia do Intanhi - SE 12969

living in extreme poverty

HDI 0.545

HDI #5,268 (among the 5,570 brazilian cities)

Bolsa família em Santa Luzia do Intanhi - SE 51.5%

of the population depends on government grants

Challenges and goals that propel us towards the future

Our Goal

We want to help Santa Luzia do Itanhy to raise 2.000 positions in the IDHM ranking until 2030

Santa Luzia do Itanhy as reference

Technologies generated in Santa Luzia do Itanhy reapplied in 33 cities in 6 states of Brazil

South-South Cooperation

In the near future we wish to disseminate Social Technologies of Santa Luzia do Itanhy in countries of Latin America and Africa

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